Musical God Combos

Ok so I believe that I may have scared away any of you that may comment on this Blog. It wasn't on purpose (OK for some of you it was - happy to see you go). But I want to ignite some discussion here and post some of your comments.

On the way to Chesapeake last summer we had a 7 hour van ride (it was a bit warm seeing that the van came from Lucifer himself) but along the way we began a "top Ten Bands of All Time" discussion. I'd like to spin off of that and hear what you think on a similar topic. The best Musical God Combo. What do you think would be the best, most glorious, awe-inspiring, go-out-and-learn-guitar combination of 2. Now keep it to 2. It could be bands or individuals, dead or alive, Christian realm or secular. And we'll keep this going for a while. Throw in a few ideas. And whoever you are in Texas that keeps checking out this site, Welcome! I love Texas. LOVE!! Hope you come back!

Here's my first toss-in: I want to see John Mayer and U2 do something together. I'm a huge John Mayer fan and U2, I believe, has transformed the face of music today.

3 Response to "Musical God Combos"

  1. Tally Says:

    Tally and Tucker should make music in Chesapeake.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    ok....this may go back aways for the young folks....but I sure wish I could have heard Phil Keagy on Guitar and Keith Green on Piano....that would have
    > brought the house down.....
    > Art

  3. Dan DeBlass Says:

    Hey Tucker - just checking the website and decided to check this blog. First of all, if we're "just getting started" with our Musical God Combos and you've mentioned who I think might be one of the best bands/performers of all and cetainly the 80's and 90's - U2 - I would like to see and hear John Lennon with Bono and guys! The Edge and George Harrison?! Are you kidding me?!

    Appreciated your last post about the folks (I started to misspell as "fools") trying to bring you down - don't know the rest of the story but I buy your thoughts.

    Search, find, and spread the Peace, Joy, and Love of the Lord.

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