Musical God Combos

Ok so I believe that I may have scared away any of you that may comment on this Blog. It wasn't on purpose (OK for some of you it was - happy to see you go). But I want to ignite some discussion here and post some of your comments.

On the way to Chesapeake last summer we had a 7 hour van ride (it was a bit warm seeing that the van came from Lucifer himself) but along the way we began a "top Ten Bands of All Time" discussion. I'd like to spin off of that and hear what you think on a similar topic. The best Musical God Combo. What do you think would be the best, most glorious, awe-inspiring, go-out-and-learn-guitar combination of 2. Now keep it to 2. It could be bands or individuals, dead or alive, Christian realm or secular. And we'll keep this going for a while. Throw in a few ideas. And whoever you are in Texas that keeps checking out this site, Welcome! I love Texas. LOVE!! Hope you come back!

Here's my first toss-in: I want to see John Mayer and U2 do something together. I'm a huge John Mayer fan and U2, I believe, has transformed the face of music today.

This Blog

The first few posts on my blog were mean. I admit it. I knocked some people around. So maybe this post is a bit late. This is the point of this blog:

Since September of this year, the leadership of Carpenter's has been accused of lying, stealing from the church, usurping authority from each other, strategically moving only for personal gain, not caring about old people, using only Rick Warren's messages (that cult in Cali... remember?), and much more. Personally I've been accused of buying alcohol for students and one of my staff was accused of getting a DUI on our mission trip to VA and then conspiring with me to hide it from the leadership.

Not one of these things are true. Every one (and there's a lot unsaid) was born out of gossip - almost no one went to the source to inquire about issues, mainly because they were not really concerned with the issues as much as their own pride and personal gain. One particular person has worked overtime, and I mean really hard, to dirty up my name all in the name of rescuing the church.

Our responses to the false threats were bold, but true. We didn't admit to anything that wasn't true just to shut people up and we were accused of then being prideful. And now it's March. Believe it or not, despite many of these people moving on, they're still hell bent on taking a piece of us.

All that to say... we're tired. I took today off. And I'm taking tomorrow too. Steven's taking a vacation in April. Jim's leaving the country for 2 weeks. And I want it heard loud and clear that we are tired, but we are here. We forgive those who have tried so hard to hurt us. Personally I'm praying for compassion for them. I'm disappointed that so many have been selfish and left Carpenter's because they weren't getting want they wanted out of it. Steven quoted Perry Noble a few weeks back and I stand with him:
We have the option as pastor's to be Prostitutes or Prophets. Prostitutes get paid to deliver a service that makes you feel good. Prophets repeat what God said. I (we) will not be a prostitute.

I am blogging so that you know my heart. It may not interest you. But if you question my motives, read the stuff I write. It's from my heart. If you still think I'm ignorant or prideful and want to disagree, that's fine. But do it elsewhere and don't you dare try to bring others down. I'll call you on it. I am confident in what God's called me for. I'm blogging so that you can come along for the journey and be inspired with me at God's movement.

I love people. As hard as it is, I love the people that have beat us up over the past few months. In fact, I'd even shake your hand. That is where my heart is now - seeing that Christ, my designer, would infact have love and compassion in spite of it all. And if it wasn't for the past few months, I wouldn't have learned what I have about myself and who I am. Honestly, if I could do it again, I wouldn't change a thing.


Not sure how many of you have enjoyed the illustrious software for this giant, but you have to try it. In a recent interview, Bill Gates actually said that it was the one internet mogul he was keeping his eye on as a competitor.

First check out "gmail'. It's Google's email service. It has great spam filters, allows you to simply forward email from other accounts (so you don't have to switch), let's you IM other gmail users, and (this is awesome) it classifies conversations together. In other words, when you look at an email that's one in a conversation that's gone back and forth you can see all the emails in that conversation.

Steven recently showed me a new service though that I just love. You have to have access to the HTML code of the website to implement this. It's called "Analytics". Once you plug a few lines of code into your website - in my case, this Blog: - it will let you track who visits your site. So right now as you read this, I'm getting info on you. I will now know what town you're in, what service you use to get online, how many links you clicked on my page, and stuff like that. Don't freak out, I don't know your name and I'm not looking in your windows right now (maybe later).

So check out Google - set up a gmail account and get into the up-and-coming of the 21st century.